Posts Tagged ‘wisdom’

HOW FAIR IS IrBM(Marriage Act amendment) ???

May 7, 2013


Please RISE & ACT against these Feminist visionaries.



Proposed IrBM amendments to Marriage Act – A MIRROR INTO THE WISDOM OF INDIA’S TOP – LAW MINISTRY

May 2, 2013

Complete Bankruptcy of Legal & Judicious Wisdom and  analysis: 

Indian route to Business Model

Indian route to Business Model

By drafting IrBM, which would make “WIFE” (and only wife) entitled to 50% share in all kind of immovable and movable earnings, properties including ancestral property, assets  etc. of her husband in the event of divorce is glaring example to show the bankruptcy of legal & judicious wisdom of Indian law making system. The Law ministry while recommending these amendments have totally overlooked/forget the following basic fundamental facts  :-

  • That  All matrimonial laws in India are Gender Biased(against husband).
  • That  India survives on it’s robust and one of it’s kind “the Family System”.
  • That Marriage in India is a sacred ritual & contract and when monetary      angle comes in(like dowry-to which government recognizes  it as “Menace”) the institution of  marriage breaks down be it from any side.
  • That Divorce is a “Failed Marriage” and failed marriage is not a “Crime”.
  • That Woman does not mean “Only Wife” in whole of the world.
  • That the mother, sister, aunt etc. in the family of husband are Women and has   their  BIRTH RIGHTS in ancestral or  joint property besides all other male members of the family.
  • That to be a Husband in INDIA is not an  act of violating the “will of humanity”.
  • That  the  “Husband” and only husband cannot      be used as tool  in the name of  rights to woman  on account of government’s own  failures like for failed protection  & security, dignity, respect,  livelihood, financial health, assets, assaults, health,   eprivation, employment  &  poverty etc.
  • That  the legislation is drafted by none other than the persons who are      “non-practising law” or even typical Indian Babus who had no analysis of practical   implications of this legislation outside the comfortable  “AC Rooms” of offices of Ministry.
  • That a Contested Divorce – a decree in favour of wife/husband only after      completing legal and judicial process wherein wrong doing party is legally      proved then firstly, why to “incentivize” the wrong doing person in the      name of subsistence to live………. and again now  through this proposal to have 50% share      in hard earned properties and assets over the years by not only husband   but by his forefathers too….?
  • That Proposed amendments are nothing but a lucrative legal business model to be  wealthy without any risk or responsibility for unscrupulous wives.
  • That   these provisions would be responsible for steep raise in the graph of      divorce cases in India out of lust for wealth and will solicit and promote      squandering and splattering on the part of woman.
  • That votes in 2014 election could not be garnered through another such a      terrible skewed legislation which will shake the very root of Family System      in India.


Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act,2005 – A complete eyewash by feminists.

July 31, 2010

In the era of gender biased Acts and laws viz. 498a,DV,CrPC 125, Divorce, Child custody, Dowry Death, sexual harassment etc. in India when Men’s organisations like SIF demands for any genuine amendment, penalty clauses for misuse in these gender biased laws or  making these laws gender neutral everyone right from government, judiciary & feminists use to put forth an argument that the affected persons or cases are very few and far and small affecting section of persons cannot be the base for any amendment or framing of any new gender neutral laws.

Come, let us postmortem their argument .

However, when the feminists and government (for free funding & power respectively) desired  to frame a gender biased law in the name of protection to women from domestic violence, they have acted contrary to their above argument and enforced a very clumsily drafted gender biased law called “ Protection of women from Domestic Violence Act,2005”. In this title of Act, everybody be it Government, feminists, society or legal fraternity should give importance to the two most important words i.e  “Woman” & “Domestic Violence”.

No one can deny that, Mother-in-Laws, sister-in laws and other females in husband’s family are too Women and besides living in a Domestic relationship also forms a big section of women in society.

So either this Act should have been named as “Protection of Wife from Domestic Violence” or all women in domestic relation including Mother-in-law, Sister-in-law & other females in husband’s family should be given protection under this Act.

Then the Big question remains, why this Act is named as Protection of Women from Domestic Violence ?

The truth is, this is done just to maligning the perception of society & government by falsely showing/projecting a broad coverage under this Act and to maliciously justifying the protection need to a larger section of society by way of this most clumsily and ill intentionally framed Law. This Act bears the name as if this Act is meant to provide protection to all women in India(i.e 48-50%population).

“Whereas, in India, almost 48-50 % is the total women population out of which if we exclude unmarried girls, old aged women, mother-in laws and sister-in-laws (which are not covered under this Act) I am sure this Act is made to protect only 10-20 % of women in the society. Whereas the misuse of this Act can very well drastically affect almost 80 % of total society.”

So, How justifiable is the wisdom of our Government or law makers ?

When a special Act(PWDVA) which lacks the balance of natural justice and is direct violative of fundamental right of life & liberty can be enforced for fairly very small section of society, why not, any genuine amendment, penalty clause for misuse or new law can be framed as is being demanded by the Men’s organization SIF?

……… then Why I LOVE INDIA ?

May 26, 2010
(Pl. read till end to be able to reach the truth)

After hitting by numerous false gender biased laws, I asked this question thousands of time from myself  and then I summarized, the answers I got from Me on  a piece of paper and I realized that

India is my country and I love India,  NOT BECAUSE

  1. it has a false belief  that society is a MALE DOMINATING society.
  2. here, women are UNDULY PAMPERED  by everyone be it Government, politicians, judiciary or society.
  3. here, women are kept TO LET LOOSE to play with Indian matrimonial laws by misusing them.
  4. here, the MEN has only RESPONSIBILITIES but NO RIGHTS.
  5. here, LEGAL TERRORISM is wide spread and Government is not paying ANY HEED to it.
  6. here, Women Empowerment is being carried out by DIMINISHING Womanhood
  7. it is being governed by feminist’s POLICY & WISDOM.
  8. here, the MEN contributes 82% OF TAXES but have NO PLATFORM to raise their voices.
  9. here, the MEN has NO MINISTRY or Commission even  when ANIMALS has.
  10. here, the MAN CAN NOT COMPLAIN because he is being punished for atrocities his fore fathers has done on Women.
  11. here, MARRIAGE is made a CRIME.
  12. it is becoming a FATHERLESS SOCIETY and father is needed only for “ Y ” chromosome.
  13. here, father IS NOT supposed to be CAPABLE of raising his children well.
  14. here,  CHILDREN are used as tool & weapon for EXTORTION.
  15. Here, children are taken to COURTS & POLICE STATIONS rather than to their parental home.
  16. here, Men is treated as FREE ATM machine.
  17. here, CUT & PASTE is used TOO MUCH in drafting and framing any matrimonial & family law.
  18. it has skew-eyed ANTI-DOWRY  and clumsily drafted DOMESTIC VIOLENCE laws.
  19. here, INNOCENTS  are arrested/jailed on false allegations and SUFFERS merely on a statement of wife.
  20. here, in-laws are portrayed as CRIMINALS and ELDER ABUSE by DIL is legalized.
  21. here, even INDIGESTION to  wife is termed as “DOWRY” problem.
  22. here, SUICIDES by husbands on account of marital harassment is no BIG THING.
  23. here, DOWRY GIVERS and husband killers are set ESCORT FREE.
  24. here EVERY death of married women is a “DOWRY DEATH”.
  25. here, “NAME CALLING” of wife is treated as Domestic Violence.
  26. here, UNSCRUPULOUS women are ENTITLED for abundance of rights without any responsibility.
  27.  here, FAILED MARRIAGE is  a CURSE & sole responsibility of husband.


But,  I love India BECAUSE , I took birth in the land of

a)      Lord “KARISHNA”, who had 16,000 wives and nobody was having any problem.

b)      Lord “RAMA”, who deserted his wife “DEVI SITA” for life without any maintenance & divorce.

c)      Lord “SHIVA”, whose wife “DEVI SATI” on the insult of her husband, entered in “Fire” and was burnt to death.

d)      Lord “HANUMAN” (immortal & omnipresent), who is happily ever living because he chose to be a bachelor.

and till Government, NCW, WCD & feminists brought-in the pseudo Women Empowerment

e)      Where Womanhood was worshiped  as “DEVI MAA” .

f)       Where Goddess name comes first  like SITA-RAM, RADHA-KARISHAN etc.

g)      Where wife was called “GARIH LAKSHMI” and marriage was a Sacred Institution.

h)      Where wife was believed to be  “ARDHANGINI” of a MAN.

i)        Where Womandood was sybbolized as “SHAKTI”.

j)       Where even rivers, forests, trees, mountains (nature)  was called as “MOTHER NATURE’.

k)     Where the country itself is called “ MOTHER INDIA”

l)        Where “ MATA SAVITRI “ brought her husband’s life back even from “YAMA’.

m)   Where Satyawati Raja Harishchander sold everything he belongs “EVEN HIS FAMILY” for truth and justice.

n)      Where countless” MEN “ gave their lives  to earn INDEPENDENCE for their families, kin & kith.

o)       Where ELDERS were worshiped like GOD.

p)      Where people were recognized by the ETHICS, VALUES & MORALS they carry in their family.

Isn’t Loving India my way is


No, India can’t be a dowry free State

May 24, 2010

Many decades has been passed since  enforcing of Dowry Prohibition Act,1961, in India but still it is claimed by the NCW and Government that Dowry menace is ever increasing in the society as the cases registered under this Act is increasing. The NCW & Government needs introspection here about their stats and wisdom.

If it’s so, then Why India is not able to eliminate this dowry menace from it’s society ?. Here, I have the answer:

India can’t be a dowry free State

  1. Until National Commission for Women(NCW) is close down or disoriented.
  2. Until Country is not forced to be run by feminists.
  3. Until legislatures change their feministic view about family & marriage matters.
  4. Until Courts realize their duty to take cognizance of Perjury (if any) against parents of bride.
  5. Until the dowry givers are punished.
  6. Until  the  IPC 498a is scraped.
  7. Until  the word “dowry”  is used for every trouble caused to a woman.
  8. Until every death of married women is termed as Dowry Death.
  9. Until  unscrupulous women are entitled for  maintenance.
  10. Until child custody is primarily the right of woman.
  11. Until Domestic violence is attributed only to husband.
  12. Until matrimonial laws are gender biased.
  13. Until Woman Empowerment is done at the cost of womanhood.
  14. Until false allegations has edge over truth legally.
  15. Until  Men Welfare Ministry is formed.
  16. Until the existence of  myth that India is a male dominating society.

And also

Until a true gender neutral  study & research is done on violence in family & matrimonial matters.

Am I Wrong ?


April 26, 2010

Analysis of political Wisdom of Indian Government

  • “to please a particular section of society for whatever may be the reasons (vote bank or power) in the name of Empowerment, the best policy is to give reservation or enact a new law to favor that section.”

This Wisdom of great rulers of world’s biggest democracy has encouraged me to write this post.


What is INIQUITY ?

1. Gross immorality or injustice; wickedness.

2. A grossly immoral act; a sin.

3. lack of justice or righteousness; wickedness; injustice

4. a wicked act; sin

Ever since, the gender biased matrimonial laws are enforced in India( like 498a in 1983, Domestic violence in 2006, Section 125 Cr.PC, Child Custody etc. ) there is sharp rise in Iniquity on both genders in the country because these laws are grossly misused rather than their use.

However, on countering this question of gross misuse of these gender biased laws  the Government & feminists always gives very lethargic and irresponsible justification that every law can be misused so such laws cannot be scrapped or amended. But here they close the eyes to naked fact about these Laws that they are mostly MISUSED rather than their USE and no other law in Indian law books is such an example.

What feminists & government claims on spirit of enacting these laws?

These laws are made to (so called) protect or (pseudo) empower women (only wife) in the country and as is used in Judicial terms (by most of Judges in country while refering 125 or DV cases) in India “These are benevolent piece of legislation for empowering women”.

What the wide spread misuse of these Laws/Acts highlights?

Beside promoting gender inequality, breaking of Indian family structure and injustice to men in India, these laws are not even coming true to their spirit & need of their enforcement.

IMPACT on first rationale :-

By invoking these ill-intentional & clumsily framed Acts, one women(wife) is on the contrary, causing the INIQUITY to more than 2 women(mother & sisters of husband) in India so where is the Protection or Empowerment to women (in masses)?

IMPACT on second rationale:-

How a Law whose object & reason of enactment is based only on gender biased view of empowering the women in INDIA and whose enforcement is causing INIQUITY to more women than providing protection or empowerment to only one women(wife) can be called “a benevolent piece of legislation” ?

So, isn’t the framing of these laws itself is ironical and pathetic ?

 IMPACT on Greate Indian Society

Rapidly growing Men’s rights organizations in India like SIFF, AIMWA, GHRS etc. are always warning Government on implications of misuse of these gender biased laws on Indian society but the government under the impulse of it’s above explained wisdom is not giving any heed to their warnings and now slowly but steadily, the impact of these laws on Indian society is becoming more & more visible in day to day life.

a) The number of matrimonial murders and matrimonial violence are increasing day by day;

b) The rate of rising of divorce is too inclining ;

c) The abuse of elders or sr. citizens is always high ;

d) The institution of marriage is converting into a blackmailing & profit making business;

e) The family structure in India is diminishing gradually;

Besides this, see how Indian Society which was an example to world for peace, patience and ethical values is transforming into a society of criminals and Government has played a major role of catalyst in it by framing these gender biased laws to please a particular section of society for votes & power:

In old days, the marriage was sacred ritual to become a member of a “JOINT FAMILY” and the ethical value system was preserved.

Then came the these gender biased laws with hidden message that Small Family means Prosperity and slowly the fashion of “NUCLEAR FAMILY” prevailed and Values and ethics of marriage started diminishing.

And now, after adding more and more such new laws, India is slowly moving toward the society of “NO FAMILY” which you can very well be termed as JUNGAL RAJ.

What this transformation leaving behind is unheard voices of innocent persons and families, who were/are falsely implicated in these laws over the years in order to extort money or to give revengeful bashings. The Iniquity being faced by these persons/families caused/causing multi-faced damages to their sense of being alive by tarnishing their honor and dignity besides subjecting them to emotional, economical and social violence on false& malafied pretext.

NEED of Hour – Appeal

In order to ensure no further degradation of Indian society and to eradicate the ever increasing INIQUITY to masses, the Government needs to act fast and should scrap all these on sided laws but then, as I said, Government is a victim of it’s own Wisdom. So, I appeal to the Government to atleast frame & enforce an INIQUITY VIOLENCE LAW on the analogy of Domestic Violence Act which should cover all types of violence(as covered in DV Act) one suffers on account of INIQUITY caused to him or her irrespective of gender.

The Object & Reasons for enactment of this law will be a benevolent piece of legislation for Innocents who are falsely implicated in criminal or civil cases and for empowerement of indian family system. I assure you that this will certainly play a real benevolent purpose for the society as a whole.

Jai Hind!