Posts Tagged ‘feminist’


May 4, 2013

Stone age

In order to  establish human race / mankind  on this earth “ALMIGHTY  GOD” made MAN & WOMAN with capability of producing their offsprings to continue their race on this planet. “GOD” gave special traits(physical, mental  & social) to both but in the quantum “HE” thought justified. “MAN” was bestowed with comparatively strong physiology by “HIM”, so  he chose the role of Protector & Bread Earner by striving  hard in jungles, naked and empty handed. He made tools & weapons from stone and wood for hunting the wild animals which were much bigger in his size and strength  and started bringing in food daily to fulfil the tummy of his woman and offsprings. Women being bestowed with abundance of true womanhood & motherhood by “HIM” chose the role of a Home Maker(child care, cooking, etc. ).
Time went on & on with these specific roles and both were happy. Slowly-2 they built a strong social institution with rules and regulations specific to their respective roles. With this social institution they started helping each other in their respective roles  too but as much as they can.
Soon, Man started feeling the need of advanced tools and weapons for facilitating his role of Bread Earner & Protector alongwith other needs of civilization, so he started inventing new advanced tools and weapons coupled with new inventions for mobility, security, health, communication, etc. etc.  
These inventions started showing results and it slowly-2  made the  life easy for everyone be it MAN, Woman or children. When the bread earning and life in general  became comparatively much & much  easy and sophisticated, suddenly, few words “RIGHTS”,”EMPOWERMENT” & “EQUALITY” started creep on in the minds of some of women who were lured by the role of Man and they claimed the title “Feminists” fighting for so called “Feminism”.
They pursued their movement vigoursly  on false propaganda of being  weaker sex, deprived of rights and downtrodden by “MAN” for centuries this all after knowing very well that the Black Sheeps exists everywhere.  This emotional & flimsy propaganda from them made more & more population confused so as to believe that the traits & qualities gifted by none other than  “ALMIGHTY” and the roles  chosen by Man & woman of their own WILL at the start of civilization is heavily tilted on one side i.e. on the side of Man.  

male bshing

This Propaganda from “Feminists”(now comprising of many brain washed men too) is still on and is succeeding in dividing the world on the basis of gender. They are penalizing today’s “MAN” in every possible way, be it legally, financially or socially  whereas, today’s domesticated “MAN” is still have no time outside his role of protector & bread earner or is in dilemma of “I AM THE PROTECTOR AND BREAD EARNER TO ONLY MY FAMILY” and  “I HAVE DONE NOTHING SO THIS CAN’T HAPPEN TO ME”

 The Life is going on and will continue to do so…………………. BUT WAKEUP and  RISE as the next  “MAN”  can be you !!!!!!!!!

Feminists, the Myths perpetuated by them and their destiny in India

July 19, 2010

How rational is the unfair treatment of Men on the basis of various prejudices like India is a male dominating society, woman is a weaker sex, women is oppressed by Men for centuries and that Man cannot be a victim?

With more than billion people, the Republic of India is the world’s largest democracy. The Democracy – is accepted world wide as best model of governance with equality and freedom have been identified as it’s important characteristics since ancient times. These principles are reflected in all citizens being equal before the law and having equal access to power. India’s population is nearly four times that of the United States.

There was a time when the role of women in India was confined to home & household work only but with decades of sole thrust on women empowerment, the women in today’s India enjoying equal rights and opportunities in each and every field and in modern India, women have adorned high offices in India including that of the President, Prime minister, Speaker of the Lok Sabha, Chief Minister etc. Women in India now participate in all activities such as education, politics, sports, media, art & culture, service sectors, science and technology, etc and turns out glorious. Indira Gandhi, who served as Prime Minister of India for an aggregate period of fifteen years is the world’s longest serving woman Prime Minister. So, today’s Women of India especially Urban India can not be in any way assumed to be underprivileged in any sense, be it education, social, political, economical, workforce etc., instead, this section of women is mainly responsible for tarnishing the image of women in society by mis-use of women centric laws.

Under the mask of being feminist these are urban women who for the sake of money, power & ulterior motives keep on re-iterating & perpetuating the myths that :

a)            India is a male dominating society.

There is nothing special done or legally enacted for Men ever, however, on the other side Women has  over the decades special legislations for women, upliftment schemes, monetary & social support, reservation etc. and even then if one believes India is a male dominating society then that male really deserves to be dominating.

 b)           Woman is a weaker sex

Woman is not a weaker sex but the mind that thinks so is weak.  

 c)            Women is oppressed by Men for centuries

The wisdom of punishing present generation for the deeds of their fore- generations is beyond the scope of any rational & logical reasoning.

 d)           Man cannot be a victim

Man is not a superhuman. Today’s empowered women and various gender biased laws enforced in her favour is a deadly combination to turn Man into a victim.

  It’s the propaganda, hue & cry by the feminists that have kept these myths still alive in India and even after having the drastic change in the status of women in India (where Kalpana Chawla and Sunita Williams visited space), these urban feminists are still not ready to leave these myths as they treat these myths as “golden words’ for them to justify any irrational and illogical argument of theirs. They are well aware that till the time they are successful in perpetuating these myths in the minds of Indians they can justify any gender biased legislation or undue favour for women.

Beating the same old drums for decades with negating any positive change in the status of Indian women surely reflects the bankruptcy of issues with feminists & their unwanted existence alongwith their conservative and regressive thinking. Surely, feminists in India are left with only negative mindset about any progressive gender issues which usually got projected very well now a days in any discussion, debate, meeting or statements in which they participate and uses these myths for their skin saving. Realizing the importance of diminishing womanhood by the negative activism of these feminists, even women of India  now shirks linking their cause with these feminists and the day is not far when these feminists will be forced to return to their cocoons by Indian society.